Customer Focus: We will anticipate, 理解, and respond in a timely and effective manner to the needs of our customers. We welcome customer feedback and rely on this to help identify improvements in our operations.
专业资质: We will capitalize on the knowledge, 技能, and abilities mastered through our education, 培训, and experience. In doing so, we will achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction and operational excellence.
尊重: We will exercise patience and sensitivity in dealing with the concerns and problems of others. We will be open-minded, 直率的, and fair in our interactions with our customers and with one another. We will always respect the confidentiality entrusted to us.
Resourcefulness: We will be solution-oriented, 有创意的, imaginative, and self-可靠的 when presented with unusual problems, difficult situations, or unanticipated opportunities.
Communication: Effective communication is the foundation of our personal and business relationships. We actively seek to 理解 the perspectives of others by listening with an open mind and communicating honestly, with appropriate discretion.
Team Spirit: We will cooperate and collaborate with each other and our customers. We will be enthusiastic in conducting our day-to-day duties and mindful of the needs of one another and our customers. We will interact among ourselves and with others honestly, thereby building relationships based on trust.